- In my entire career as a journalist, I have never heard of another case like this one. I’ve never heard of a journalist being charged for inciting a crime in such a context, that is, soliciting information from the authorities. (...) The prosecutor’s decision poses a particular danger to investigative journalists, who investigate the pathologies of public life, and to interventionist journalists, who obtain information on a regular basis, establishing the course of action taken up by the authorities, the police, at the scene of various events, including accidents, as is the case here. I think that such activity on the side of the prosecutor's office is aimed at intimidating editors and sends a very dangerous signal to all independent media. If such a practice were to be perpetuated, in fact, most journalists would not be able to obtain any information, because they would risk criminal charges- stated Ewa Ivanova, a journalist writing for Gazeta Wyborcza.
https://wyborcza.pl/7,173236,28890030,polish-journalist-faces-charges-after-requesting-and-publishing.html (09.09.2022, 13:39).